Friday, June 14, 2013


Thanks to my daughter I've finally decided this would be a good idea. I love talking about my kids and my grandkids so now I get to do it more! Fun times!!
I guess I should start by saying I have 3 daughters, 1 son, 2 granddaughters (both 3), 2 grandsons (1 is 3 the other is 14) and very happy to say 2 more grandchildren on the way!! YAY!! Because there's absolutely no such things as too many grandkids!
Today I'll talk about how much fun it is to watch my daughters, as first time Mommies. It's amazing to watch. They're all so loving, caring and natural at it. They come to me for advice when they need it, comfort when they need reassurance that "No, you're not a bad mother because you don't play with your kid every second of the day" or "Yes, it's perfectly normal that you don't always like your kid when he or she is acting like a complete asshole". Yes I said kids act like assholes sometimes. Can anyone tell me I'm wrong?? I doubt it. But we wouldn't change them for anything in the world! I laugh when I see them battling with 3 year olds...I said No! Don't eat that! Get back in bed, now!! Stop yelling, stop crying and so on so on.  And that's where my Grandma rights come into play. I get to enjoy watching them get frustrated, aggravated and reach their wits ends...because now I can sit back and not have to do it...I did my time now it's their turn to enjoy the "joys of motherhood". Yes I do laugh at them, maybe that's a little sadistic but it's fun as hell!!! In reality when I laugh I think it takes some of the pressure off the situation, at least that what I'd like to believe. But they know when they need real advice or help I will always be there for them. But I try really hard to limit my advice to when I'm asked, they are very capable and don't need a Mom who is going to tell them how to raise their kids.
I have what I hope will be some interesting stuff to write that people will enjoy reading, but I guess that remains to be seen. Great kids, great Grandkids and the oddest ex-husband (ewwwww I hate even using the word husband in any text when I'm referring to him) but the ones with him are the ones that will definitely leave you shaking your head and hopefully being able to laugh at his utter stupidity! Be back soon! :)