Friday, July 5, 2013


So we took Adrianna to see the fireworks. Adrianna loves watching them. However, she's not a big fan of the noise. Now anyone who knows her, knows that she is loud. Not a little loud...VERY loud! There is no doubt that she's around when you're anywhere within, oh I don't know, maybe the length of a football field. Anyway last year at the fireworks she covered her ears the entire time. This year was no different, in fact she covered her ears when it just started getting dark, anticipating the upcoming noise. But there was one thing she did this year that she did not do last year...she fell asleep. Yes, during all the obnoxious bangs and booms she just closed her eyes and went to sleep with her hands over her ears the whole time. When her Mom woke her up so she wouldn't miss the fireworks she simply replied...I'm not sleeping I'm just closing my eyes. No sorry little were fast asleep! How in the world does a child sleep through that?? I can sleep through just about anything...but even I couldn't have slept through this. Where we went had what seemed like a grand finale from beginning to end, it was just nonstop. But there she was....sleeping like a little angel. Then it was over and guess who wasn't sleeping anymore?

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